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Year 3 Wider Curriculum Week Beginning June 8th: D&T

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 8:34am

Hi everyone,

How are we all? OK I hope! This week we will be focussing on Design and Technology (D&T) and we will be making some tasty sandwiches, yum! The best way to practise making is to do so don’t worry if you’ve never made a sandwich before, now is a good time to learn. Part of the Y3 curriculum is to be able to spread and chop so please try to ensure that you spread something onto your sandwich and chop something else.

If your child is in school next week, we won’t be allowed to share food for the tasting lesson, therefore please can you try and do this at home sometime before Tuesday. Thank you.

Once you've made your finished sandwich, please email it a picture of it to your teacher. We would love to see what you have created and it might give us some ideas for our own sandwiches!


LO: To understand the history of the sandwich.

Watch the horrible history video found at and read the comprehension about the history of sandwiches. Answer the questions in as much detail as possible, remember to try and answer in full sentences as much as possible and to use the text as evidence.

LO: To sample a range of existing products

You might need your parents help with this to create small samples of each product (parents for your information, when we do this in school we purchase 4 ready-made sandwiches from the supermarket and cut them into ~8ths for the children to try). Taste a range of fillings and bread types. Think about the bread, are you tasting different types: white? Malted? Brown? Wrap? Pitta? What about the filling have you tasted ham? Chicken? Cheese? Egg? Vegetable? Have you included any sauces? To officially say you don’t like something, you need to have tasted it at least 10 times so just because you didn’t like it once doesn’t mean you won’t like it now, lots of children are surprised that they like certain sandwiches when we have done this in previous years. Fill in the evaluation form attached.



LO: Use research to make informed decisions

What makes a good sandwich? How much sauce is too much? As we’re a healthy school, are the sandwiches you tried yesterday healthy? How do you know, can you link it to your science work? Using the sandwiches you tasted yesterday, can you complete the healthy sandwich chart?



LO: To design a product.

Design your sandwich. What are you going to include and why? Once you have chosen you ingredients, create an exploded diagram (with labels) of what your sandwich will look like.

Here is an example of an exploded diagram, if you want a practise, label the numbers:

sandwich drawing - Google Search | Sandwich drawing, Sandwiches ...

















LO: To create your product.

Make your sandwich based on your design. Eat your sandwich and (hopefully) enjoy it!

If your child is in school this day, they will need to bring all their ingredients in themselves (we can provide a knife to spread butter/sauce only) and if the weather is nice we will have a picnic in our zone in the afternoon.



LO: To evaluate a product:

An important part of design and technology is to review your products. What was good about your sandwich? Why did you think that was good? If you were to make this again, what would you change and why? If you want to make changes, why not make the sandwich, with improvements again for everyone in your family and see how they would improve it. You could become a sandwich master!

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