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Y6 Reading, PSHE, Wider Curriculum, PE Week beginning 22.02.2021

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 9:45am


PE Lesson 1 – 22.2.2021

Multi Skills Games Challenge – see resource on blog

Challenge yourselves to the 60 second challenges on the resource sheet.

Will you achieve bronze, silver or gold?

PE Lesson 2 – 24.2.2021

LIVE Gymnastics lesson with Mrs Conroy 2.35pm - 3.05pm

Please ensure you wear PE kit, long hair is tied up, earrings have been removed and you have a water bottle.


Use KS2 English Reading Books - these will be send home with children who are in school today (Friday) or can be collected from the office. Please don't worry if you can't collect these immediately - 20-30 minutes of independent reading will be fine until they can be collected.

Set C: Test 4 23.2.2021

  • Read the text.
  • Highlight any unfamiliar vocabulary and check meanings in a dictionary.
  • Answer the questions. 
  • Check answers at the back of the book - editing any answers that need it.
  • To compare and contrast this poem, write your own poem describing a train travelling above ground - in a scenic and peaceful surrounding - travelling across the open countryside. Consider the layout of your poem and the length of your lines. It only needs to be 5-10 lines but I would like to see powerful verbs, personification and rich descriptive vocabulary to bring your train to life.

Set C: Test 5 24.2.2021

  • Read the text.
  • Highlight any unfamiliar vocabulary and check meanings in a dictionary.
  • Answer the questions. 
  • Check answers at the back of the book - editing any answers that need it.
  • Design your own fact file highlighting what you have learned about camels. Draw on the scientific facts used in the text.

Set C: Test 6 25.2.2021

  • Read the text.
  • Using a dictionary write a definition for the following words to develop your vocabulary before answering the questions - as this will support your understanding of the text.
  • Vocabulary
    • davit ropes
    • entreaties
    • slender
    • preserving
    • despairingly
    • stern (of a ship)
    • breakers
    • vaporous
    • forsaken
    • abate
    • assurances
  • Answer the questions. 
  • Check answers at the back of the book - editing any answers that need it.

Y6 Wider Curriculum 

RE - Wednesday 24th February

Lesson 4

L/O To explore different religious festivals within religious communities

Part of being in a religious community is celebrating special times together – we have already looked at celebrating a child joining the community.

In the RE Lesson 4 file, there is a list of many different festivals that different communities celebrate. Pick a Christian Festival, a Hindu Festival and a Muslim festival.

Research how the community may celebrate the festival. Record as you wish – a mind map, a piece of writing, a poster, a video…

Why is the festival important to the religious community?

Are decorations used?

Is special food eaten?

Are there special songs or dances?

Are special words said?

Do special people attend?

How did the celebrations change due to COVID over the past year?

How does the religious community include those of other faiths or no faith in the wider community?

How does the religious community support the wider community?


RE - Friday 26th February

RE Lesson 5

L/O To create a charter of your own moral values

Religions provide guidance for people that follow them in order to lead better lives.

The RE Lesson 5 file has information about the three different religions and some of the guidance that is given for how to live their lives.

You may follow a religion, or not follow a religion, but we all have core beliefs that guide the way that we live. Create your top 9 list of your moral values. Moral values are the things that you believe about how you live your life. Write these on small pieces of paper or Post It notes

For example:

I will always tell the truth

I will never hurt another human with my words or actions

Once you have decided on your 9, stick them into your book in this arrangement.  You can annotate each one, explaining why it is an important moral value for you and why you placed it where you did.

PSHE - Thursday 25th February


LO: To take responsibility for my health and well-being

Starter activity:  match up the description and things/people in the 'Who I am?' sheet.

What links the cards? (looking after yourself and staying safe). 

Open my mind activity: Read through the scenario cards. For each scenario, suggest advice that could help the person take more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. 

What advice can you give? How can these people take more responsibility for managing their health?

 Reflection task: children make a mind map of the responsibilities they have for their health now. In another colour, add responsibilities that could occur as they grow older.

Are there any elements of this they can improve? 

What small changes can they make that might make a big difference?


Y6 Wider Curriculum – Music

Week beginning 22.02.21

Task 1

Today, you will need 2 pieces of A4 paper (it doesn’t matter what colour you use) because you will be making two paper fans to use in a Jasmine Flower Fan Dance.  You will also need 2 strips of sellotape.

LO: To link movement to a pentatonic piece of music

Last lesson, we looked at how Chinese instruments are classified and learnt about one woodwind and one string.  We also used Chrome Music Lab (Song-Maker) to compose a piece of music for a graceful fan dance.  We used the pentatonic notes in C Major; pentatonic uses the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th notes of a scale, for example:

In C major, we have the following notes :  C  D  E  F  G  A  B  C















So, the pentatonic notes we use will be: C, D, E, G and A



Fan dances are ancient; they developed as a way to share stories, preserve the culture and communicate feelings and emotions without words.  They are still performed in ceremonies such as Chinese New Year.  Fans are thought to be good luck charms and also expressions of generosity.  Click on the link to see a fan dance:


Now, have your two pieces of paper in front of you and sellotape.  If you want to decorate your fans, I would recommend decorating both sides of your paper and do this before you start the video below.  Make it colourful – felt tips, gel pens, even glitter if you’d like!  Since we are going to perform movements to a Jasmine Flower fan dance, you may wish to decorate it with:

  • jasmine flower drawings
  • pentatonic note names (remember to use capital letters for note names)
  • notation


Examples of Notation:



Jasmine flowers:





Click on the link below and follow the instructions:

You can take a picture of the details on your decorated fans and post on Class Dojos 

Challenge: If you enjoyed the fan dance and have time, create your own tune on Music Lab Song-Maker like we did in the last lesson (remember to change the settings to Pentatonic); melody in the top, base chords in the bottom).  Add your own actions whilst it is playing!


Task 2

Have a go at clapping the following Lunar rhythms!  Fun fact: the title logo for Lunar relays the message of ‘Happy New Year’ in five different languages, each from a different country that celebrates the Lunar New Year!

  • Easy mode uses crotchet and quaver note duration as well as a crotchet rest.

Remember, a crotchet = 1 beat, a quaver = ½ a beat, so 2 quavers must be clapped in the same time as a 1 beat.


  • Intermediate mode uses crotchet, quaver, minim and semibreve durations as well as a crotchet rest.

A crotchet = 1 beat, a quaver = ½ a beat, a minim = 2 beats and a semibreve = 4 beats.


  • Challenge mode uses crotchet, minim, quaver, and semiquaver durations as well as a crotchet rest.

A crotchet = 1 beat, a quaver = ½ a beat, a semiquaver = ¼ beat and a minim = 2 beats.

I hope you enjoy today’s music!

Files to Download