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Y3 Home learning 06/05

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 3:26pm


Focus: Reading (character descriptions)

Please open the attached file. All the instructions are on the sheet for today’s lesson. I hope you enjoy it, Fantastic Mr Fox is one of my favourite stories (Y3K will know I loved Roald Dahl as a child).

Parents you do not need a copy of the book as the extracts are on the sheet.

Hope you are all well.

Mrs Kirk




Wednesday 6th May 2020

LO: To understand the 24 hour clock.

We have 2 types of time we use when reading the time. Either the 12 hour or 24 hour clock.

Why do you think we split the clocks into either 12 hours or 24 hours?

The 24 hour clock shows us the time without having to use a.m. or p.m. – After we reach 12p.m. (dinner time) we then carry on so 1.00 p.m. becomes 13.00 because it is 1 hour after 12 o’clock. I don’t need to use p.m. because I know that 13 is larger than 12 so must be the afternoon.

If the time is in the morning then to turn it into 24 hour you need to put a 0 in front so 9.00 a.m. becomes 09.00.

Can you write down all the 24 hour times?

Using the timetable you created on Monday and Tuesday, can you turn the times into 24 hour times?


It is the 75th anniversay of VE day on Friday and we will be sending you some lovely activities to do around this. Today, there is a reading comprehension to find out more about VE Day. You might want to do some more research yourslf. For Y3 it is best to do the * reading comprehension













Throughout the day, ask people to ask you the time and tell them in both 12 hour (remember a.m. and p.m.) and 24 hour.

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