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Y6 Reading, PSHE, Wider Curriculum, PE Week beginning 01.03.21

Date: 24th Feb 2021 @ 2:24pm



This week, you are going to complete three reading comprehensions: fiction, non-fiction and poetry based.

Read the texts and questions carefully. Consider each question and use your retrieval and inference skills – remember to read the words in each question carefully.


Date - 01.03.21


Fiction: The dual world of Anders Arnfield


Date - 02.03.21


Non-fiction:  Running


Date - 05.03.21


Poetry: Leisure



LO: understand what it means to be emotionally well

Today we’ll be exploring what it means to be emotionally well. Begin by mind-mapping as many words for emotions as you can – both positive and negative. 

Use the 2 outlines of people for this next activity. One represents you on a good day and the other represents you on a bad day. On the inside of one, write all the emotions that you could feel on a good day. Around the outside, write how you behave on a good day including things that other people might notice about you such as smiling, joining in with games etc. 

Do the same with the other outline, but this time writing feeling you feel on a bad day on the inside and how you behave on a bad day around the outside. 

Are there any similarities between the two outlines? How would other people know you were having a good/bad day? Would they know? 

With your teacher, discuss the term mental health or emotional health and explore the concept of an Emotional Well. 

Complete your own Emotional Well as you’ve been shown by your teacher – if you enjoy drawing, you might prefer to draw your own well. 



PE Lesson 1: Personal Best Challenge

Have a go at the ‘Bounce & Catch’ and ‘Figure of 8’ challenges.

Aim to beat your personal best.


PE Lesson 2:

LIVE Gymnastics lesson with Mrs Conroy 2.35pm - 3.05pm

Please ensure you wear PE kit, long hair is tied up, earrings have been removed and you have a water bottle.


Y6 Wider Curriculum – Music

Week beginning 01.03.21


Task 1

Go through the Powerpoint.  Then, have a go at following the body percussion (at the end of the Powerpoint).


Task 2

LO: To edit a piece of music in the chromatic scale

So far, we have used Chrome Music Lab (Song-Maker) to compose pieces of music using:

  • the Major scale of C major (Doctor Who)
  • the Pentatonic scale (for a graceful fan dance celebrating the Lunar and Chinese new Year of the Ox)

This time, we are going to look at the Chromatic scale, which as you can see in the diagram includes the black keys:


I had a go at re-creating the melody to the Wellerman folk song. I have put in just a few chords at the start and left out some notes at the end on purpose!  The following diagram shows the settings I have used.  Note that the scale has changed to chromatic, the split beats is into 4 and the range is now 3 octaves!





I’d like you to edit what I have done!  Use the following steps to success:

  1. Continue the simple pulse or change it (make sure it isn’t too overpowering so that we can hear the melody).
  2. Add some chords in.
  3. Make any other edits you like!

Here’s the link to the version by Nathan Evans so you can refer to it for editing if you wish:

Upload a video clip of your final piece onto Class Dojo (video it so that it plays twice through).  If you can, save your piece as a link onto a word document and post it on to Class Dojo as well but don’t worry too much if you can’t manage this.

Have fun!

RE Lesson 6


To express your own commitments and values through artwork


Way back in Lesson 1, we thought about different communities that we are involved with. Today you are going to create artwork that is filled with your own commitments and moral beliefs, such as working hard at sport or music, caring for animals, loving the family or serving God. It will represent who you are and how you fit into the world around you. 


You can collect pictures from magazines or the internet to work in a scrap book style, or draw your own  sketches and designs and words. These will all fill a silhouette image of you either drawn freehand, or using a light source to ask someone else to draw your silhouette (note that you should never look directly into a light source!)


There are examples of your artwork that represent your own commitments and moral beliefs in the Lesson 6 file.





Files to Download