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Y4 Remote Education Wider curriculum

Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 10:12am

Wider Curriculum


LO: To develop techniques with control and creativity.

What can you say about Pete McKee?

What could you say to describe his style?

Watch the videos below and follow Pete McKee’s instructions on how to draw cartoon characters.

Make sure that your pencil is sharp and don’t worry about rubbing out if you make mistakes, or they aren’t perfect. That’s not what Pete McKee’s art work is about.


Try experimenting with your own facial expressions, bodies etc…

Try using a fine line pen if you feel very confident with a pencil.



LO: To identify the parts of the digestive system in humans.

Cut out the jigsaw and try to put it back together.

In this lesson we will be learning about the different parts of our body that digest our food for us. All of those organs are a part of what is called our digestive system.

The intestines are a really important part of that. Can you list what you know about the intestines?

Read through to powerpoint presentation about the digestive system and follow the links within it to some fantastic BBC Bitesize (pardon the pun) videos.

Can you remember all the names of the different parts of the human digestive system? See if you can label all the parts of the digestive system on the labelling worksheet. If you are finding it too difficult, you can label the support sheet instead. If you want more of a challenge, you can draw all the parts on the outline worksheet yourself and label them.

Main Task

Using whatever materials you have available to you at home, can you make a model of the digestive system? If you have play dough or plasticine, that would be perfect! Make sure that the different parts are all different colours so that you can tell them apart.




What would you do in these situations?

• Your friend always wants to sit next to you, but sometimes you like to sit next to someone else.

• Your friend asks you to play after school, but you want to go around to a different friend’s house.

Sometimes the qualities/ characteristics can be linked to an animal for instance a fox might be described as sly.  If you were to think about a dog, cat, shark or chimpanzee what words would you use to describe them?

Read this:

It is time for PE (Physical Education) class in school. The teacher has mixed the children up so they are in teams with children they don’t normally work with. The teams are competing against each other in a race. Imogen and Zanib argue because they have different ideas about how to get their team to win. Harry sits down because he is fed up with them arguing and lets them get on with it. He doesn’t really care about the race anyway. Tina-Marie has a good idea but she doesn’t say anything because nobody is listening.

Thinking about each person in this scenario can you write a list of all the words you would use to describe the characteristics of each child.  What roles has each person taken on?  Is someone the leader?  Is someone trying to cause conflict?  How would you resolve the problem?



Task 1

To celebrate the fact that it is Spring soon and we’ll hopefully have some nice weather, we’ll be doing some Spring themed yoga. Follow the instructions in the video for the yoga. You can skip ahead to 6 minutes in if you want to get straight into it.

Task 2

Practice some catching and throwing using the activities on the sheet.



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