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Y4 Reading and Wider Curriculum week beginning 8.3.21

Date: 5th Mar 2021 @ 9:51am


LO:  Compassion

If we are compassionate, we are concerned for others.  We will try to think of other people’s feelings, comfort them if they are upset, want to prevent them from being hurt or upset and want to be kind and helpful.

Decide whether you think the examples are compassionate or not.

Sort them into the table on the first sheet.



Task 1 – Fiction

Task 2 – Non – Fiction

Task 3 – First News



LO: to learn about a great artist and different kinds of art.

Watch this clip of Pete McKee, a Sheffield artist:

Listen out for key vocabulary – see the vocab PDF.

Tick the words on the PDF as you hear them on the video.

Read through the Pete McKee Time line to get a good understanding of his life and work.

Read through the information sheet PDF about him and look at his pictures on the PDF.

Task - You need to:

 Cut out or draw 2 of your favourite Pete McKee pictures.

Write down 5 of the statements that interest you about Pete McKee – either from the information sheet or from what you heard on the video.

See WAGOLL to help you.



LO: To recognise what we already know about the digestive system and what we’d like to find out.

This is our new science topic, all about the digestive system and what happens to the food we eat.

  1. Read the true/false statements and write next to each one whether you think it is true or false.
  2. Use the internet to research any of the true or false statements that you are unsure about.
  3. On the ‘What I already know and what I’d like to find out’ sheet, try to draw everything you know about the digestive system. You can label the diagram too if you can. Use the word bank to help you.
  4. Finally, in the box at the bottom of the sheet, write up to 3 questions that you would like to find out about the digestive system.



Task 1

LO: To practise tag-rugby skills

Download the ‘Tag Rugby Activities’ document and choose some of the activities to have a go at. You don’t need a rugby ball, any sort of ball will do.

Task 2

LO: To practise swimming strokes

Watch the attached videos and see if you can copy the swimming strokes.

Files to Download