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Y3SC Home learning

Date: 21st Oct 2020 @ 7:39pm

Hello everybody. Well done for isolating - you are keeing your friends, family and vulnerable people safe and I am proud of you.

I have attached some work for you to do on Thursday and Friday. You can then start your half term properly - you'll find lots to do in your house and garden I'm sure!!

English today you planned the ending of The Iron Man. Have a go at writing that final chapter using your inverted commas (speech marks), conjunctions, adverbs and preposition skills  Your grown up can email it to me or take a photo of your work if you'd like! On Friday  I will try and record myself reading the end of the story so you get to find out how Ted Hughes finished his tale.


Reading You have lots of books on bug club to read. I have also attached the hedgehog reading comprehension that we were going to do in class.

Maths -  we were going to continue our work on additionand move onto the contracted method. I think we should save that until after half term and do it in school, so I have found some spoooooooooooky halloween maths for you to try.

PSHE - design a poster about road safety. How and where do you cross a road safely and how can you stay visable on a dark night? This feeds into our Whole Class Reading Book for next half term. These video links are good to watch:

Finally - we were going to make these on Friday afternoon. I've attached the link incase you wanted to try it at home.


Stay safe and heathy at home and we will see you after half term


Mrs Collis and Mrs Scammell

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