Lockdown Recipe Book
Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 2:25pm
Calling all budding bakers, culinary champions and splendid chefs!
Thank you to all of you who have sent in a recipe for the Lockdown recipe book so far. It has been a pleasure receiving them, I have sampled a few and have to report that they are delicious! There is still plenty of time to send yours in if you haven't managed to yet so whether it is a yummy cake, a delicious desert or a mouthwatering meal please share them!
Recipes can be handwritten or typed, illustrated with a drawing or a photo and can include a photo of you cooking or baking if you don't mind that being included in our finished collection. Electronic versions can be emailed in to school, posted or hand-delivered to our BEAUTIFUL cake box (thank you Mrs Scriven) in the main entrance to school on your daily exercise.
Here are a few photos from recipes that children have sent in so far.
Many thanks, happy baking!
Mrs Scammell :)