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Y3 Remote Education Wider Curriculum 19/4

Date: 1st Apr 2021 @ 8:55am

Lesson 1:

L.O: To locate the Country Greece

This half term we will be looking at the influence the Ancient Greeks have on our lives today.

Task 1: Without looking at an Atlas, Children put a * Where they think Greece is.

Task 2: Use your atlas to locate the following:

  • UK
  • Greece
  • London
  • Athens (I wonder why?)
  • The Mediterranean Sea
  • The Aegean Sea


Task 3 – research to find the answers to the questions on the sheet.


Lesson 2:

L.O: To place events on a timeline

Task 1 – watch to give you an idea about life in Ancient Greece.

Task 2 – read through the Power Point, to remind yourself about timelines.  (remember, the bigger the number, the further from 0

Task 3 – cut out and order the dates from Ancient Greece.


Relationships Education:

L.O: To understand what makes a good friend

Listen to Be Kind by Pat Miller


Have a think about these questions:

  • Was anyone unkind in this book?
  • What should you do if someone is unkind?
  • In the book, the other children laugh at Tanisha; how might she have felt?
  • What could you have done to help Tanisha?
  • How many examples of kindness can you think of from the story?


Task: Then complete your: A friend does, a friend does not sheet


PE: remember the importance of a healthy life style: Drink water, don’t have unhealthy snacks, and be active for at least an hour a day. Remember that if you are isolating, you can still go into your garden! If the weathers isn’t nice, there’s lot of things you can do online such as Joe Wickes, Go Noodle…  If you need some inspiration for indoor or outdoor exercise, use these tasks!

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